Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Excitement in the air!

I am so pleased to announce that I will be holding my first PBR (public business reception) for Zija in Cookeville.   It will be held at Sycamore Church of Christ in the fellowship room at 6 pm on April 19th.

This is an informative meeting for you to learn about the product and the company...no sales gimmick!! I want others to know how this can benefit them. A lot of you are taking Zija and can testify to the benefits you have received and some of you have a strong interest in the product. 
If you attend and bring one guest with you, you will be put in the drawing for a $25 gift card to Cracker Barrell. If you attend and bring 2 or more guests with you, you will be put in the drawing for a $50 gift card to Cheddar's. I will also be giving away one 4-day sample as a door prize. 
You really don't want to miss this opportunity to hear more about this wonderful product and the benefits it has to offer.
Please R.S.V.P. to the event.  cocosmom0426@gmail.com
See you there....

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Failed Resolutions

Did you make a New Years resolution, like I did, to loose weight?  Did you fail miserably like me?  I have been taking Zija's Smart Mix, XM3 and Detox tea for less than 30 days and I have lost 9 lbs.  My appetite has decreased significantly as has my craving for sweets.  I have more energy and mental awareness.  My arthritis and bursitis pain has decreased almost completely.  Put all this together and you get a happier ME!
Try Zija for 30 days....money back guarantee!!  What do you have to loose.....except weight??

Email me at cocosmom0426@gmail.com

The Zija products have even been used by "Biggest Looser"!

Pam Smith, Season 3 Biggest Loser - After 1 month on the Moringa Caps I had lost 10 lbs and 4 1/2 inches off my waist"

Friday, April 1, 2011

Moving on UP!

Just made Builder 500 with Zija International, Inc. What an awesome company to be a part of. I put in less than 7 hrs. this week and made 1 and 1/2 times what I made for working 35 hours at school. Thank you to Dennis Hogan and Jennifer Hart for being so helpful and supportive. We really are a team!! The old saying, "Don't knock it till you try it" has really paid off! If you want to be a part of this great TEAM or want to see how you can benefit from Zija, please message me...you really are missing out!  Because this product is natural and healthy, it sells itself!!  Really!  The benefits are above and beyond anything I ever expected.  Today another teacher was amazed at how fast I was flying through the school and I was wearing heels!!  What are you waiting for??....
Join The Zija Team
