Monday, August 26, 2013

The Rainy Night in March 2011 that changed my life!!

In March 2011 when I began my journey with ZIJA International and becoming pain free, I attended an event locally here in Cookeville. You see, I had tried the sample, decided I wanted to start the products and I didn't want to wait for my shipment. I decided to look locally to see if anyone had products. I ran across a man in Cookeville by the name of Chip Buck and tried to reach him on FaceBook. While surfing his page, I noticed that he was hosting and event in Cookeville and the featured guest speaker was ZIJA product formulator, Russ Bianchi. You see, my sponsor was from Kentucky and I really did know very little about this. All I knew at this point was that it worked and I saw somthing!! I attended this event and convinced myself that if it was just another snake oil company, that I would get up and leave. I couldn't believe what I learned that night. Chip got up and said a few words about how became involved, 2 folks gave testimonies and I got to hear Russ speak and I was blown away!! Once Russ had finished, Chip got back up and thanked everyone for coming out and suggested that they get back with the person who invited them to the meeting. NO SALES!!! NO SALES PITCHES!! WOW!! That spoke volumes to me!! That told me that they had something that no one else had and it even came with a 30 day 100% money back guarantee!! Since that day, I have never paid for my products out of my personal funds, I even afford it for my family. NO sick visits, allergies or pain!! In 2012 the company introduced TEAM 250 and Mercedes Benz car program!! Jim Rohn said it best: Profits are better than wages. I like getting paid what I am worth and earning residual income. This is something for everyone and Life Unlimited is just around the corner!! You too can experience Life Unilimited. Visit my website: for more information.