Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Summertime Bliss!

I am having such an amazing summer so far that I have to share it!.  For the first time in years, going into the garden doesn't seem so much like a chore.  I can bend over and pick weeds all without getting stiff or hurting and I don't run out of energy.  I also would like to say that as of this morning, I have lost 2 more lbs. bringing my total to 15 lbs lost since 3/14/11 and I don't even know how many inches.  I got a call from my doctor's office yesterday telling me that my levels for my cholesterol were down and now normal.  This is all due to Zija because I have done nothing different since my last doctor visit.
As for going through the change, I have had no hot flashes in 2 months, and I count that a definite blessing when the temperatures have been in the high 90's.
Last week I took my first trip of the summer to Murray, KY to visit the Hart family and had such a wonderful time.  It was so good to see the "Double D's" reunite after a year.  Jennifer has a wonderful post on her blog about their friendship.
Well, I am still pain free and doing things I never thought would be possible again.  Things a lot of people take for granted, but not me.  I have also made the decision to do away with my handicap placard and not renew it again.  I feel blessed to be able to move pain free and gladly give my spot to someone else.
Well, next stop is church camp next week at Short Mountain Bible Camp and I am so looking forward to it.  This is usually a very hot and busy week but I have a feeling that I am more than up to the challenge with my XM+.
If you have had no luck in loosing weight and want something that really does work, please email me.  I have 5, 4 day samples available ($20 each).  If you are really serious, try Zija for 30 days, money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied.
Now, here is hoping that the rest of you are having a wonderful and blessed summer as well!!

email:  cocosmom0426@gmail.com

Why Zija's weight loss program works?  http://dagyei.wordpress.com/2011/02/28/naturally-lose-weight-without-counting-calories/

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